Day 4 of Dev30
1️⃣ Productive Morning: ✅
2️⃣ Organize To-Dos: ✅
3️⃣ 30 Minutes of Learning: Learn Next.js course (Chapter 9 in progress), finished required trainings for work.
4️⃣ Time to Code: JavaScript Coding Challenges (Whose Bigger and Capitalize the First!)
5️⃣ Daily Reset: Some gaming, continued reading my book.
6️⃣ Interesting Book Recs for Engineers:
I have read The Phoenix Project and The Unicorn Project both are really good. Phoenix Project I think is more DevOps and technical management oriented and Unicorn Project is more data management oriented. I've heard good things about The Pragmatic Programmer.
Danielle Hope
Day 4 of Dev30
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