Identify With Winning = Win More
I've closed over 6 figures in sales in Thailand, and the only reason I've been able to do that was I had to get rid of my old limiting beliefs. I believed that sales was for the manipulative people... whatever that means. I thought because I was brown, I couldn't make money. I had to SHIFT MY MIND. I had to identify with the winners. And what I did was 1) hang out with more wealthy people. I have a mentor doing 100k/mo, a coach doing 6 figs in sales, a sales executive friend doing 7 figs/mo. And the way I did this was to network 2) I had to learn valuable personal development skills, such as public speaking, body language, sales and persuasion, emotional management, leadership, and coaching. 3) I had to forget who I was. I had to stop identifying with my loser self and constantly be in pursuit of who I knew I wanted to be. That's what helped me scale my business from almost not having a single dollar to pay for a daily gym membership when I was dead broke to now earning 6 figs in Thailand every month, enjoying life and serving God, my misses, my parents, and the world. Identify with who you want to be, not who you were.