- Always follow through on small promises.
I used to only follow up with huge promises, but what I realized was that small promises too built the same amount of trust as for big promises
Small promises may seem small but once you get the prospect to suddenly see that..
"Oh, I remember Tony talking about sending me that video he said would help me out, and he did. Wow I like this guy"
Of course, they don't verbally say it but their subconscious mind does.
And the more little trusts you build, the more they will trust your word & promises, and the more they will like you
People buy from people they TRUST!
2. Use open-ended questions to understand your prospect better.
We need to stop asking YES or NO-based questions.
There's a time to ask them and there's a time to not.
Don't bore your prospects with constantly having them respond YES and NO to every question you ask
Instead of "Would there be anything else stopping us from moving forward?"
Ask "What concerns do you have before we move forward"
And then if they have nothing, they'll say no. If they do have something, they'll spill the beans
3. Mirror your prospect's tone and pace subtly.
I see too many reps model every inch of their prospect's body language & tonality,
Chill out, you're not Jeremy Miner. On a side note, his stuff isn't that good!
Now you should model after your prospect on an unconscious level, as in you need to get so good at putting the attention off you and onto them, that you and the prospect's energy will start to match each other
Your heart rate synchronizes, your breathing pattern synchronizes, your posture, your eyes, your understanding of the the topic at hand.
And all you need to do is this... The prospect leans back on their chair, you lean back on your chair.
Simple things.