Private group
208 members
$8 /month
🤰 Being a mother is one is the most beautiful and important event you will ever have in your life!
It will also be one of the most extremely lonely and challenging experiences. Not having a proper supporting foundation can lead to critical complications during and after your pregnancy. In many cases - miscarriages and improper handling of post partem depression.
This community is a tight knit group of expecting & current mother's helping one another, openly asking questions, and sharing the same feelings and thoughts as you 💙
Our number 1 mission is to support one another. If you don't have this mindset, and you're not an expecting/current mother...
sorry but this group is not for you. We love ya but you can't join!
When you join, you will have 24/7 access to ask all the questions in a safe and supporting group of like minded mothers.
There's also all your burning questions on all things ultrasound for me to help you + a ton of lifechanging PDFs to answer all your needs!
Cya inside ^_^
Are you an expecting mother? We're a supportive community of experts + expecting moms with pregnancy & ultrasound insights - Join now Limited spots!
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