Jan 29 (edited) in Announcements
About the journey to the Typographic North
Hello type enthusiasts! I am Kristen, the creator of this community. I've made this place for all of us to have distraction-free, interesting and fruitful conversations about typography, type design, book design, publication design and related matters. I've been looking for such a community for years but found alternatives very noisy and dispersed. So I've decided to build this one. I hope you will join me in creating something great.
Years ago I embarked on a journey towards writing a newsletter about my musings on typography, but a busy life, lack of focus and probably a fair amount of insecurity halted my progress. My hope now is that onboarding more people with similar interests will help me (and everyone here) to develop thoughts on these subjects.
So, it's a journey we make together. I do not know where the winds take us but I hope that we can have informal discussions, share what we're working on, link to inspirational resources and learn from each other on our voyage. Please feel free to make posts about anything you believe is relevant to the group, and comment on other posts to create an engaging community of type friends.
And if you have type friends out there, please invite them into this group, so we'll have more people to learn from.
See you in the discussions!
All the best,
Rules for this group:
• No promotions, spammy posts or unsolicited direct messages
• Posts must be reasonably related to type, design or creative arts
See something you don't like or find noisy? Please report such content to the admin.
Kristen Hus
About the journey to the Typographic North
Typographic North
A group of graphic designers, type designers, type users and enthusiasts sharing thoughts about fonts and typography.
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