Every month we are giving away different prizes to the top of the leaderboard. The last 30 days @Nevin Hersch came out ahead. Here's your prize, sir. It's already sitting at my house, so I'll be sending it your way. Teufelberger Mighty Mule Gear Bag ($260 value) You never know what the next prize might be! https://gaparboristsupply.com/climbing/climbing-gear/gear-storage/gear-bags/teufelberger-mule-bags/?setCurrencyId=1&sku=7083027&keyword=&creative=700528498271&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb2eqHOdoodfpiUpEKjynL-KKp7EEkDBG6eU-Q_xyA7VfUWtRV3uF_RoCSBYQAvD_BwE