Maybe this is the start of your journey, or you are already on the path towards freedom.
Nevertheless, you have not passed the finish line yet, which means you got a problem.
You are currently stuck, because:
You have to attend School every day,
You have to attend University/College/High School every day,
You have to attend work every day,
I have one simple goal to help as many young men, gain freedom of time and place (so that they can create financial freedom), because this is exactly what i did.
My Journey started at Seventeen.
I had just went through a bad break-up, i was rattled.
My situation was: Attending second year of high school, working at McDonalds and partying all weekend long.
I was miserable.
Consuming was the only thing i enjoyed, YouTube, Netflix, Porn, Fast-Food - you name it, i was doing it.
This is actually the current norm, spending most of our awaken time consuming.
I knew i could do better, i was certain that i could do everything and achieve everything.
So i started my first business, Social Media Marketing Agency (which is still what im doing), and slowly, by working hard every single day, i was pushing myself into a life i could have never imagined.
A life, where i in two years achieved freedom of place, and freedom of time (which means i now live in Dubai, work from where-ever and have a team of 4 full-time employees basically running the day-to-day operations in the business.
The money is fun, but its the freedom of time and place that really matters.
This community is called Traits To Win,
For the simple reason that anyone can WIN, its just a question about the traits a person has.
Luckily Traits is not a static thing (even though society tries telling you that it is), we can all change and adapt to new traits.
This is step 1 in winning, will return in next week with step 2.
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Jeppe Østergaard
Traits To Win Community
Traits To Win, is a group for young men looking to quit school, studies or work - and build a life on their own terms.
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