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Traits To Win Community

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2 contributions to Traits To Win Community
To have a vision
The missing piece in many of our lives is having a strong and clear vision. A vision is our north star. It is the ongoing pool of energy we can draw from. When times are tough, a vision gives us faith to press forward. A vision can be anything. It can be a life free of pain and disease. It can be sitting with a partner overlooking the ocean. It can be waking up to an automated real estate rental empire printing cash for you. It can be enjoying your time with loved ones... The important part is that the vision makes you feel something. When you see that vision in your mind’s eye, your body experiences an emotion. Having a vision fills the hole many people face in life. Crypto and even SMMA for that sake, both attracts a particular type of person. Usually their vision is around wealth and/or freedom. A life free of stress, bills and bosses. Once a young person, especially young men, get a taste of this, there is no going back. It is a digital Schedule 1 drug. This vision of financial freedom is electrifying. It will drive us to work 12–18 hour days. It will keep our energy levels higher than anything else. The idea of “making it” is all that matters. As bull markets goes full blast mode, the vision comes to fruition. We wake up and say “wait, I now have the money I wanted for so long.” The vision we dreamed of is here. We are living it. But it often doesn’t feel the way we dreamed of. Financial goals are designed to be an infinite game — the goal posts are variable. If you need proof I can vouch for it. Personally haven't experienced any significant correlation between how much money I make and my happiness. Furthermore, this also applies to wealthy individuals I've been fortunate enough to spend time talking to. If anything they've learnt how to use their money to generate freedom for themselves and therefore are able to spend time with loved ones etc. The thing about crypto specifically is that it allows people to realize their vision in a short amount of time. Usually a strong vision takes years, sometimes decades to come to fruition.
To have a vision
Jeg er i den situation, at jeg sidder med en aktiv kunde, som betaler mig 5.000/m. Jeg vil gerne have flere, men føler at jeg har svært ved outreaches. Jeg føler ikke at mine outreaches, er særlig effektive. Hvordan gik i fra 1, til jeres anden kunde?
New comment Feb '23
0 likes • Feb '23
Automatisering af processer og opskalering af dem. Derefter skal du kaste dig selv derud, research dit område for din specifikke niche og find nogle oplagte kunder, tag ud til dem og tilbyd din service. Og så skal du begynde at bygge din online persona op som et brand.
0 likes • Feb '23
Outreach er også ved at være en forældet metode, jeg sender selv over 1000 emails afsted om dagen og det skal siges at det er en automatiseret proces som ikke kræver noget fra min side. Men jeg får kun omkring 10-15 konverteringer om dagen til min fiverr, derimod får jeg langt bedre SEO for min fiverr. Det skal også siges at du selv kan gøre det og få en masse følgere på instagram, meget bedre SEO for din hjemmeside osv. Til sidst men ikke mindst burde de afholde dig fra at række ud til folk gennem instagram for at tilbyde din service, da det er imod markedsføringsloven.
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Mikkel Haaning
15points to level up
Stor rotte

Active 426d ago
Joined Feb 22, 2023
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