Group inactive.
Private group
1 member
$100 /month
Welcome to Skool for Top 1% Sales, an exclusive community where elite leaders, coaches, consultants, and practitioners master the art of selling to the top 1%.
Here, "top 1%" means a mindset, excellence, and relentless impact, not just income.
Discover Paradigm Shifts in your energy, mindset and marketing to sell high-ticket offers without sales calls, funnels, paid ads, or even videos.
You will learn the exact structure I use to craft magnetic content that draws in top clients by resonating with their deepest desires and gets THEM to reach out to YOU!
You will learn to stay EMPOWERED and EMPOWER your Top 1% Prospects.
You also get access to me and my Rapid Reset Method (RRM), a revolutionary framework aligning your energy with the reality of working with top 1% clients.
Join us if you’re a leader with 10+ years of experience, proven results, and a commitment to inner work.
Special launch pricing: First 10 members at $100; lifetime membership starts at $300, increasing as the group grows.
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