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Thriving Mama Group Call is happening in 10 days
I've been quiet because I'm working my butt off for my new baby: The Thriving Mama podcast launching in 2 weeks!! Today I received these awesome stickers from Celine and Justin at Podigy Podcasts. So grateful for all of their help and support along the way. Can't wait to get this out there! 馃挅 More announcements to come! 馃コ馃帀
New comment Mar 14
Group Call Tomorrow at 12 EST/9 PST
Reminder for the moms who are in the membership or Thriving Mama Program. We'll be discussing the top reasons you don't have energy and ways to address this. We'll also have time for Q & A as always! You can also drop questions below about anything you want answered (all questions physical, emotional, and mental health are welcome).
BIG Announcement!!!
There will be a BIG announcement tomorrow you will not want to miss, so stay tuned! If Instagram is easier you can follow at @thrivemamatribe. 馃コ馃帀
BIG Announcement!!!
Exciting Announcement This Month
Hey Everyone! Exciting news!! 馃帀馃帀馃帀 I'm going to be doing a community growth and engagement challenge later this month. You'll get points for friends who join this community and social media, engaging in this community (commenting, asking questions, posting), etc. The prizes will be a free 60 minute visit with me, a PaleoValley products gift basket, Mama Spa Day in a box, and more. I'm also hoping to get a few more gift boxes from other friends of mine in the health space that have supplements, books, and products. There will be different prize categories for the winners (total point winner, most engagements on this page, most friends who joined, etc.). 馃帄馃巵 I'm also going to be adding a resource center that has handouts, guides, and protocols. I'm also lining up some amazing guest speakers to come talk to our community! So many exciting things are coming for this group and I really want to spread the word to help the mamas out there feel great and thrive! I'm so grateful and appreciate all of you mamas in here! 馃グ馃挅馃
Module 3: Lifestyle Foundations is Live
Module 3 is live! Topics include Sleep, Stress and Movement. As I said in the group call, pick a few factors to focus on (like diet and sleep or stress and diet) so you aren't overwhelmed.
New comment Aug '23
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Thrive Mama Tribe
Private Community for Thrive Mama Tribe Members so we can all be confident, energetic, healthy moms that show up for ourselves and our families.
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