The Wholeness Coaching School
Private group
106 members
Our mission is to inspire entrepreneurs to rebuild culture without compromising their call to be present to their families and loved ones.
This work is about building a legacy of Wholeness through the transformative impact coaches can have on others, all while engaging in meaningful, purpose-driven work that helps them make money with meaning.
Our Wholeness Coaching method is designed to advance mindsets, skill sets and higher level action taking for maximum client results. Coaches can leverage our proven courses for men and women, along with our exceptional business and coaching practicum to build offers that speak to a variety of different client profiles.
We offer two primary coaching journeys depending on your earning goals, business experience, and investment levels.
Book a call to look deeper into the world of Wholeness Coaching and explore if you are being called to join us!
Book a call here to speak to one of our team members.
The Wholeness Coaching School
The Private Wholeness Coaching Community: Cultivating skills, mindset, and wholeness for the sake of contribution and entrepreneurial success.
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