I, Matthew Moody have been through a lot in the past and still today. From being Frauded, Lied to and taken advantage of, to being sued and suing those to collect for work completed. From hiring and firing good and bad people I'll tell you each year I think I have seen it all but let me tell you there is always something new each year. Still Learning everyday to keeping up with technology is very important as your goals plan you for success. Many of you will learn more and continue while in this group, some will just need this for reassurance and to be around great successful people and some will just be in group to learn but to be silent, which is okay. Some will come and go. The one thing I can say is groups help and no matter what, as long as what you learn you apply it, then you should see gains in your business within months and guaranteed by the end of the year your company will have increased. Ask away and be involved because the more you give, the more you get.