Public group
1 member
Have you ever heard the phrase "You are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with"?
Now imagine if those people were just as enthusiastic as you in optimising your life whether that be through Fitness, Cognitive Function, Mental Wellbeing or Nutrition.
If you're tired of joining random online forums or exploring social media circles, only to be disappointed by the lack of depth and expertise.
Then keep reading, because this might be exactly what you need...
The Rising Crew is a community where enthusiasts and experts in fitness thrive TOGETHER daily.
This community gives you insider access to people who are living your ideal lifestyle. Receive support for your challenges, get inspired by success stories, and overcome your obstacles in a CREW.
How it works:
  1. Sign up to Join
  2. Introduce yourself and your goals
  3. Engage by helping others with your insights
  4. Share your own challenges and receiver expert advice
  5. Apply the knowledge and experience into your health and wellbeing journey
This isn't a group. This is a crew, one of like-minded individuals that will do whatever it takes to rise to the top. Together we will rise.
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