The Monk
Private group
272 members
Welcome to the community! Glad you're here.
Here you'll find every lesson, roadmap, tool, and resource I’ve used to generate $50,000 a month doing what I love.
**Who This Is For? Anyone that is looking to discover their super strengths and it turn it into a profitable business.
Discover how to build your own personal brand and find your 300 raving fans (300 is all it takes to make $1M a year).
— Getting clarity on what separates you from everyone else
— Converting that clarity into content
— Leveraging other people’s networks to spread your message for you
— Building systems and automations to give you freedom
Share your story with the world. Reach your full potential. Help others do the same.
The Monk
Sharing everything I got that helped me get to 50k a month doing what I love.
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