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Free Listing Agent Training is happening in 7 days
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Hello! Welcome to our new Listing Agent Skool. The goal of this skool is to help real estate agents become the #1 listing agent in their community by flooding their funnel with seller leads easily without hiring expensive companies. Google "Angel and Patty Hernandez Zillow" to confirm our numbers and active listings. Everything we teach is what we're actively doing to get business, not some outdated technique. As the market shifts, we'll share what we're doing to make adjustments for success. When you have the chance, watch the free trainings we have in the Classroom section of Skool. There you'll find multiple recorded trainings going over how we capture, manage, and close listings. If you would like to join the live classes, sign up for 6 live classes free with the following link... Every Wednesday at 11am PST we host a free live webinar going over our Listing Agent System, to join and ask questions use the zoom link in the calendar section of skool. Lastly, take advantage of this community and introduce yourself with your name and area and get connected with other agents on the same path as you. We can't wait to see your success, lets go get some listings!
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The Listing Agent
Learn How to Capture Manage and Close More Listings with The #1 Listing Agent Training
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