Late payment dispute method 🔥📝💎
Here is a step by step breakdown of how you can use Kik Off to dispute late payments from Equifax.
1) Download the Kik off, create an account then click on credit report.
2) This page should be labeled Credit report be sure that you are on you Equifax credit report, then stroll down until you see the “Dispute” then click on the word New.
3) If you have negative items you will see a button that says “Dispute More Errors or Dispute Errors” click it n that button.
4) Now you would want to select 5 late payments then click on “5/5 selected”
5) Now this is where you would choose the reason why you are disputing these errors. “Received COVID-19 pandemic accommodation from lender”.
6) Now just click “Next then Generate Letters” this process will take between 45 to 60 days.
When done comment "Done" below to see how many we can get removed 🔥🔥
LaShanta Witherspoon
Late payment dispute method 🔥📝💎
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