The Warrior Philosophers
Private group
5 members
If you are selected to join us inside The Warrior Philosophers, you will begin where all brothers begin - through The Initiation.
The Warrior Philosophers Initiation is a 12 week process that will guide you into your deepest transformation yet. No fluff. No BS. No hand holding or pointless content and useless information.
We are a unified brotherhood of conscious men encouraging and pushing each other to RISE into our highest embodiment. You will come out the other side of this 12 weeks a new man. Guaranteed.
A more powerful man.
A more confident man.
A man of clarity, with direction and purpose in his life.
You will finally be living a life you are truly proud of.
If you are ready for this, want to know more, and would like to apply, then DM me "TWP" on Facebook here:
The Warrior Philosophers
Clarity - Discipline - Consistency
This is the way of The Warrior Philosopher
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