The Voice Club
Public group
9 members
YOUR VOICE is not the problem - you DO have enough talent - and you have no IDEA what your voice is ready to do for you RIGHT NOW!
As a professional singer I studied every method in existence. And I would never have known how WRONG everything I paid to learn was if doctors had not completely destroyed my voice TWICE!
That’s when I got the remarkable chance to TEST everything they tell us & CONFIRM with the world's TOP vocal surgeon why NONE of it actually does what they tell us.
For decades, The Voice Club Method has been committed to creating SMART SINGERS; empowering singers and speakers to master their OWN voices, and do it through the ONLY training 100% based in today's medically proven science of the voice.
Our group has tons of FREE TRAINING, master vocal coach access and is filled with others ready to level up just like you!
Ready to have your mind blown by what YOUR voice can really do?
Welcome to the club!
The Voice Club
100% scientifically PROVEN ways to master your OWN voice
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