August 24-27 - Embodied Leadership Retreat
Men - Life is calling you to show show up!
As the seasons change another cohort begins.
Our 14th Cohort of The Unshakable Man Program just began.
20 men have answered the call. These men are courageous. When these men individually step forward their presence in turn co-create the container for other men to do their work. It's a beutiful and awe inspiring experience to be a part of. It's beutiful and challenging and fun and inspiring.
Who will join us for our next retreat in northern California?
When we intentionally create space in our lives to slow down, to connect to nature, and to heal we create a ripple of love that spreads out into all of our relationships.
  • Our relationship with ourselves
  • Our relationship with our partners, family, friends, and community
  • Our relationship with our pain, trauma, anxieties, and fears
  • Our relationship with our vision and our gift to the world
  • Our relationship with everyone and everything
This won't happen by default. The default is to survive. The default is embedded in our nervous systems. The default is to protect ourselves and our hearts.
But... and this is a big BUT... when we realize this is what happens and we take responsibility for how we respond to our problems, our challenges and our life we create the opportunity to respond in more empowering and conscious ways. This is real leadership.
This is what it means to awaken you inner unshakable man.
Our next TUM Embodied Leadership Retreat is officially open for registration.
Questions? Click here to schedule a retreat info call:
Hold your spot! Click here to register on a 3 month payment plan:
Get in touch email with any questions
Join the Free Unshakable Man Community at
"May your practice continue for the good of everyone and everything and may you get what you are looking for." - BIG HUG - Chris Wilson
Christopher Wilson
August 24-27 - Embodied Leadership Retreat
The Unshakable Man Program
High-Achieving Men: Become an unshakable leader through somatic group work and personalized 1:1 coaching!
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