You asked for it
The biggest shock most people have when they begin to build their own enterprise is the amount of time they need to dedicate to it. It is hard. It is even harder to find individuals who will commit to your cause in the same fashion that you have. There is no free time, or days off, the money can be tight, or worse there could be lots of it. The new business becomes a relationship in its own right. Full of life experiences and challenges that are rewarding opportunities for growth.
It is an uncomfortable experience. Your family will doubt you. Probably because they know you. They will have seen a hundred times where something was started and never finished. Or, some vice perhaps that may cause a downfall.
You know it, they know it and it is the biggest hurdle you will have to overcome.
Making it worse is the reaction to a failure.
But for some reason an idea may have settled in your thought process that you can do this, whatever it is. That you have what it takes to go and make it happen.
A students teach, B students work for C students because they were too stupid to know it couldn’t be done and they went and did it.
You see, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. There is an abundace of formulas, recipes for success, and plans, that will show you the way. Some of the best can be found right here in TRT.
It will all be on your shoulders thuough. Win, lose, or draw, it is up too you.
And it will take every ounce of your being to learn how to become responsible for the struggle you are about to engage in.
I knew a man once who walked away from a good paying job because he wanted more. He started a store that sold mattresses. He told me that one day his wife asked him why he was working so hard to sell these mattreses, why so much for advertising.
He told her that if we don’t sell this many mattresses by Friday, we don’t eat next week.
That is pressure. You either rise up to meet the occassion or you go back to working a job.
My friend is a wealthy man today. Bills are of no concern to him. By all yardsticks with which we measure financial independence he is there.
Selling mattresses.
I know another man who applied himself with the same level of commitment to the job he had and made it into a career. With which he built a dream home for his wife. They also have no need of concern over bills. Enjoying a 6 figure retirement.
The point is, whatever you do, do your best at it. Don’t whine, piss, moan, and complain, go make the money you feel you are worth. Build the world you want for you and your family the best way you can. But do your best no matter what.
Rise to the challenge.
Few things are more worthless than a fella who will do his best to figure out how not to do something instead of handling what he signed himself up to do.
As my Drill SGT was fond of saying “You asked for it when you walked in and said Yeah, I wanna be in the infantry”
Wherever you are, remember, you asked for it.
1 comment
Bryan WIlton
You asked for it
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