Powerful Experience
I haven't posted anything on any platform in a while but felt compelled to share an experience that has added strength and value to my life.
I attended Pressure Con for the first time and after reviewing my notes, amongst all the valuable insights and lessons shared by MC and those who attended, the most valuable lesson I walked away with is that humility is bullshit.
I learned that I must prioritize my personal credit and anchor humility to my growth.
Put a spotlight on the best version of what you do.
I learned that if I want a better outcome, I must tell myself a better story.
Give yourself ways to win and then stack your wins.
How we do anything is how we do everything.
What a powerful experience, looking forward to attending many more Pressure Con events in the future.
If you haven’t attended a Pressure Con event yet, as MC says, “You’re Fucking Up”!
Angel Caceres
Powerful Experience
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