Chad Taylor
Noblesville, Indiana
Biggest Strength: My ability to collaborate. I am great at being part of a team!
Current "Future" Strength:
Avoiding Shiny Object Syndrome
What Inspired You to Join the TRT:
I strive to support all of MC's projects! I am also making a more intentional effort with the mission of Pressure to Power as I continue to climb the Ladder of Strength. I am looking forward to connecting/reconnecting with many of the brothers I've had the privilege to get to know over the years. As I continue to foster those relationships, already made, I aim to find ways to be useful to the tribe and forge new alliances.
I have expressed my gratitude to MC in the past but as a long-time supporter of MC's work, it is important to me that I take the opportunity and say "thank you", again. After all these years, it is still amazing to me just how much impact 'a guy I stumbled across' while researching homeschooling in the fall of 2014 has had on my life. Starting with that early episode (of what was then known as The Pressure Project) on homeschooling, to attending that first PressureCon, and now joining Three Roads Tribe, and everything in-between, MC and the work he does has been instrumental in so many of my successes and I am beyond grateful. After the better part of 10 years all I can do is continue to say, "thank you, MC!".
Chad Taylor
Three Roads Tribe (Free)
The Three Roads Tribe is a community where men get ongoing help from me, Master Chim, & my team to build the skills to become successful entrepreneurs
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