The Renaissance Family
Private group
2 members
$44 /month
Hi there!! I'm Jaden and my wife, Erin, and I decided that we wanted create this membership to serve you better on your journey of self-mastery.
We understand what it's like to hate being boxed in by what society tells us we're "supposed" to be.
That's exactly why we created this community themed around the "Renaissance" Creator.
The Renaissance Creator is the epitome of "outside the box".
DaVinci, Zora Neal Hurston, Dan Koe, Mina Irfan, Robert Edward Grant.
These are Renaissance creators that inspire us.
Never boxed in or limited due to the beliefs of society.
Whether it's creativity, spirituality, health, nutrition, content creation, relationships or business...
We want to empower you and serve you however we can so you can become your best self.
The Digital Renaissance is alive and roaring.
Will you get left behind?
Or take your RIGHTFUL place at the throne?
Don't wait around any longer. Become the creator today.
Join now for $44 and lock in at that price forever. Price increases to $111 on 9/1.
The Renaissance Family
Spiritual Creators and Entrepreneurs Who REFUSE to Put Themselves in a Box.
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