📖 The Importance of Sales Processes
No matter WHAT business model you're currently working on, there is no doubt that having a TIGHT and concise sales process will either MAKE or BREAK your entire business.
Do as much research as possible for the prospect. Make sure to come prepared on the call.
This includes:
  • Looking at all their social medias -> connecting with them beforehand to build familiarity
  • Brainstorming some potential ideas
  • Going through competitors and comparing the prospect VS opponent
The key is to SHOW the prospect that you're trying to help them.
Which leads up to the next phase..
👉 DISCOVERY CALL (15-25 mins)
On this call, DON'T go in trying to pitch or sell to them.
99% of people make this mistake.
This call is supposed to be building trust + relationship.
Your aim: qualify the prospect + book a demo call.
Example questions to ask (for lead gen):
  • Why did you agree to this call? (Keep pushing down further and find REAL reason)
  • What is your primary goal for the next 12 months? (Elaborate on KPIs / metrics)
  • What do you think is holding you back from achieving these goals? (Identify challenges / pain points)
  • What solutions have you already tried to reach your goal? (Consultations with specialists or invest in tools before?)
  • How successful were those solutions? (Can you share any data or analytics on the outcomes?)
  • How long did you stick with each solution you tried? *understand their commitment
  • Aside from those methods, have you explored any other avenues? (reasons why they tried)
  • Could you briefly describe the products or services you sell? (specific USP?)
  • Who's your target audience? (IF NO: Is there a clear majority of people buying your services? → Apollo search after call → Tell them in demo call) *WHAT COUNTRY*
  • How are you currently generating leads? (What platforms / channels?)
  • Why did you dive into these lead-gen methods? (See what’s important to them!)
  • What problem does your product or service solve for your clients? (Can you share more success stories/ testimonials)
  • What's your current closing rate? (Did you identify any trends affecting your closing rate?)
  • What's the average lifetime value (LTV) of a customer for you? (How did you calculate the LTV?)
  • What is your average deal size? (So you can see how much you can charge them)
  • Do you have case studies?
  • Do you have guarantees?
(or you'll risk being ghosted)
👉 DEMO CALL + CLOSE (10-35 mins)
After you've gathered all the info you need for your prospect,
Create a PROPOSAL.
  • Important points mentioned in the call
  • Your No-Brainer Offer
  • The process of working with yourself
  • Your customised pricing based on their situation
  • Next Steps
Once completed -> send the proposal to prospect before call.
On the call...
  1. Go through the proposal
  2. Handle objections (95% of the time)
  3. Push for the close
  • Always dig deeper with their objections -> normally it's something else that they're frustrated with
  • If they ask to decide later / discuss with partner, ALWAYS book the next call
  • NEVER change your price lower on the call ( it shows you're weak)
That's the overall process!
Keep practicing and iterating.
Have a greart week 💪
Bosco Yiu
📖 The Importance of Sales Processes
The One Network
The One Network is a place for early-stage entrepreneurs to launch their company, trade services with each other, and actually get off the ground.
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