The Movement Modality
Private group
114 members
$25 /month
The Movement - To become more than just a walking human. Attention to detail.
Modality - The Quality of State. One of the main avenues of sensation. In this case you are being able to sense your body.
Concept, an Idea behind The Movement Modality:
Humans are natural movers. Our nervous system main job is to adapt our existence to our external inputs.
The Movement Modality is a community for humans who are willing to build resilient structures (our bodies) and open minds. My goal is to build resilient, pain-free, movement-oriented, strong, aware, motion-free architecture. In order to build a long lasting body, we need to be patient, opened to failures, new discoveries, find someone who is practicing, develop new long life lasting habits, we must be honest with our goals, we must be disciplined and consistent with our practice.
I know only what I know; however, I am willing to understand more about our bodies, nervous systems, cell language, and many other aspects.
The Movement Modality
Share. Build. Expand. Strengthen. Improve. Communicate. Question. Try.
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