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Coffee hour is happening in 5 days
Legacy Letter and Affirmation
Hey guys as a thank you I gave another gift in the classroom tab! When you click on it you will find a course called Legacy Letters: A Guiding Star! the first course is completely free and teaches you how to write a Legacy Letter in order to create a regret free life! The second course called Legacy Letter: Affirmation Instructions. It is only $1 so you can affirm and create what you believe your regret free life will be! Thank you so much for being here and have fun with it!!
New comment Aug 1
Legacy Letter and Affirmation
Start Here + Introduction
Hey! Welcome to the community. Thrilled to have you here. This place is going to be amazing. For now, leave a comment introducing yourself to the group
Permission Slip
So there I was talking with a friend of mine and we were talking about diets, and a question came up. “Who said eating healthy can’t taste good?” Whenever we try to do something we drudge up excuses. “I need to eat better ugh dieting sucks!” According to who? Who specifically told you that eating foods that are good for your body has to suck? Fresh healthy foods taste amazing! Who specifically told you that you can’t enjoy your job? Who specifically told you that you must grind into burnout feeling too tired to enjoy other parts of your life? Who specifically told you that Mondays are the worse simply because you don’t love what you do? Imagine a life where you’re aligned with what you do. Maybe the job didn’t change but you see the right values it brings to your life where you find more energy and passion for it. Who specifically told you that you have to stay at the job you hate? Who specifically told you that jobs have to suck the life out of you? What about finding a job that aligns with your values that you hold? With this line of questioning I give you permission (not that you truly need it) You’re an adult, you don’t need anyone’s permission but just in case you do I give it to you. I give you permission to live the life you want! A life that is in alignment with who you are so you have more energy and love in your life. A life you deserve! A life that is full of passion and you can look at and be proud and have many memories that bring joy rather than a blur of meh 🫤. If you need permission then I give it to you. Read this permission slip and keep it for as long as you need it. Give yourself permission to move in what moves you. Be pulled by purpose with passion rather than push yourself with willpower towards burnout. —Darren Allan
New comment Aug 2
Permission Slip
Gonna have to reschedule tonight’s meeting. Let me know if tomorrow works for anyone
I Believe In You
Whatever your goals are I believe in you. How ever tall that mountain is in your life I believe in you. How ever dark and scary the storm is that’s going on I believe in you. I believe you can find a way to reach your goals, climb those heights and dance in the rain. Send this to 5 people to help them and look into the mirror and tell yourself this 5 times. Love you all
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Fearless Creative Coaching
Overcome fear of judgment and imposter syndrome, build confidence, and achieve creative fulfillment! Unleash your creativity!
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