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πŸŽ‰ Welcome to The Marketing Edge Network! βœ…#1 - You're officially in! Watch the Welcome to the Family video below. βœ…#2 - Book your free 1 on 1 onboarding call to receive an exclusive gift: Click here to schedule βœ…#3 - Dive into "The Ultimate AI Marketing Masterclass": Click here βœ…#4 - Join our "Coffee with Alex" and virtual webinar weekly calls. Check the calendar for details βœ…#5 - Participate/Engage in the group and the weekly exercise posts. Every time you post a win, a question, or a value knowledge piece you are learning from Alex, you EARN POINTS when someone LIKES your post AND/OR comments. 1 Like = 1 Point This is a community to be focused completely on learning, understanding, and executing! You get rewarded for being the most engaged in the group with Levels! Levels are a way of us rewarding you for your amazing focus and study. Let’s bring your Marketing and Manifestations to the next level! *️⃣Tag me, and post your first comment below telling us about yourself and what your intentions are for joining the group! @Alex Caragiannides
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