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⭐ Welcome ⭐
If you're just joining, we're all here to help each other. Whether it's by listening or sharing our own struggles and stories. You are NOT alone. We hope you feel you can speak up about anything that's on your mind, we're here for you and for each other. ❤️ Post Advice ❤️ Unsure on what you could post about? Here's a few things to help you get started: - Relationship Struggles - Loneliness - Past or Current Trauma - Something Good That Happened Recently - Anxiety Or Stress About Something Coming Up - Anything else you can think of that you need any help with or anything positive you'd simply like to share with someone. Don't be afraid to post, it's okay to not be okay. We're not going to give up on you. Not ready to share your story just yet? Here's my first ever blog post, it's about one of the toughest and darkest times I faced in my life. I open up completely, making myself vulnerable by sharing my emotions in their rawest and truest form. Check it out below.
A good mental health day
Today was a good day for me, I got a lot done for the brand building and got a good balance of work and social life. I noticed I'd been feeling a little more lonely lately, so I've made sure to reach out to my friends more and spend time with them. Rather than neglect all my relationships to entirely focus on the brand. Hope you're all okay <3
Charity Setup
Yesterday I spent a lot of time setting up my charity that I had previously put on hold. The focus is on providing peer-to-peer mental health support. A few years ago when I was going through tough times and felt so alone, my mum would always recommend I spoke to a therapist. This never appealed, why would I want to talk to someone twice my age about problems that relate to my generation. I struggled with this a lot at the time. What Speak Up does, is give you someone to talk to, that's a similar age. Someone who can relate to what you're talking to, they can listen, they can share their own experiences. It felt like a productive day once again for me, the past week I have been locked in more than ever before. I'm loving it, I go to bed excited for the next day, for the learning, the challenges.
My Encounter With Death: The Stranger Who Saved My Life | Part 1
New comment 8d ago
Here goes nothing!
I guess this is the start of it all. If all goes well, I'll be posting about my daily activities, my deepest thoughts and absolutely EVERYTHING I learn along the way.
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Speak Up - The Joint Journey
Follow along with our journey, learn as we learn, grow as we grow.
Become apart of a community that supports one another, mentally.
You are not alone
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