Why would some 27 year old kid be qualified to talk about finances?
Now don't get me wrong, I am still novice when it comes to finances. That's part of the reason I created this group. I firmly believe that crowdsourcing knowledge can be extremely powerful. If we all come together to share our questions, understandings, or things we've learned recently, than we have a huge opportunity to share with others. This can help us to grow, stay motivated, and potentially change our lives.
The knowledge and understand I have from money has all been self taught except for a couple of major things. At 25 years old I had been granted an opportunity to use my natural ability to communicate with people, and learn about how debt can be managed. Since then I've stayed in the same industry. This industry is the debt relief industry.
Now some of you might say "oh god I've heard of those programs and I think they're a scam." And to that I would say, you're right. IF you're with the WRONG company. Unfortunately I've seen lots of small companies that will take advantage of desperate people. That being said, not all of them are a scam and I've seen and helped lots of people graduate, and save LOTS of money by going through those programs. So my best advise is if you want to look into that type of payment plan, do some research and make sure the company you're going to work with is credible and has a proven track record of success.
Back to the main topic, my experience in this industry has been the back bone of why money became such an interesting thing to me. Why is it so hard to manage? Why do people get emotional over it? Why is it difficult to find any solid good advise on how to manage it or make more of it? All these types of questions I've asked myself and gone looking for the answers for.
That being said with all those questions I've still been able to help hundreds of clients get relief from millions of dollars worth of debt. In a short period of time I've become really good at what I do and I want to share some of what I know and understand with people and hopefully learn from them as well.
Now this isn't to brag or say "I'm awesome look at me!" That's really not who I am. But I've attached some proof of the types of months I've looked at helping clients with their debt. In each case the situation was different, some harder than others, some desperate, some who just wanted an easy way out. Regardless, these experiences have taught me a ton about money, how people interact with it; and how it affects a persons day to day life if they have a lot of money or if they have a little.
Now it's your turn, what are your thoughts on money and how do you FEEL about it?
Sebastian Grissom
Why would some 27 year old kid be qualified to talk about finances?
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