Bitter Sweet News
1) people have been hearing our message. And absolutely love it. To the point where we have been offered an opportunity.
Another group has asked me to come aboard their online community and help build a veterans/men’s mental health column.
2) therefore, I am going to shut this one down, and focus on that one. Which is awesome, but also sucks because I put a lot of work into this lol
3) the reason I’m doing this is because the engagement was super low here. Which I expected, but there they already have thousands of people. Which I can accelerate how I get this message out to people.
4) I greatly appreciate you guys participating in this with me for the time it lasted. If you are anyone you know needs help, PLEASE send them my way! We can help them!
I love you guys!
Chad Myers
Bitter Sweet News
Combat Carnivore Community
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