The Growth Blueprint
Private group
81 members
$39 /month
The Worlds #1 Community for Skinny Guys.
Let me teach you my formula that helped me go from a 70kg guy who was frail, insecure and stick thin to a 95kg gorilla...
πŸ’° Money back guarantee:
If you use our self learning bulking spreadsheet on a weekly basis, follow our advice on your diet and you stick to our training programs...
And you STILL don't put on 5% of your bodyweight in the next 5 months...
Then I'll give you a complete refund on every penny you spent πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ
πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ What you get when you join:
πŸ“ˆ Our unique Self-Learning bulking spreadsheet that feeds in your data and forces you to run the PERFECT bulk...
🌯 20 of my favourite high calorie bulking meals
πŸ’ͺ🏼 Long term bulking planner
And so much more 😳
All for less than Β£1 per day...
There is NO minimum commitment, you can literally sign up, grab the resources and go...
But when you join back up, the price may have gone up...
❌Price goes up to £50.00/month when we hit 150 members ❌
Click "JOIN GROUP" and Build 5kg+ Muscle NOW🚨
The Growth Blueprint
Worlds πŸ₯‡ Membership Dedicated to Helping Skinny Guys Gain 5kg+ Muscle in 12 Weeks.
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