50€ Price - The Challenge
[Easy Money]
Yess as you read I'm giving away 50€ to the person who will get the most people to join this Community by the end of October 2024
The minimum members you should gather is just 5 to this free server. And you can easily gain that if you have any other friends on self improvement or similar types of stuff or maybe if you think he could use some advice from the og community. Feel free to invite and compete agains other to win your 50€
(ADD ON: if you're somehow a master marketer and you get more than 100 members to join you win 100€ + admin role if you wish to take it, and I can give you a pinned callout on my channel and other platforms for your businesses)
^^ --- This can be won by more people and it does not affect the 50€ challenge leader board so anyone with 5+ invites can still win their 50€
Ace Unk
50€ Price - The Challenge
 Grinder's Academy
Group for anyone who is into any type of Grind. From gym to mental health to business and dating and other real life stuff.
/// The Grind is real
Leaderboard (30-day)
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