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God is always Good!
Hey everyone! Sorry I have not been posting. I spent the last month in the hospital battling some health issues, and I am so grateful to be back home and healing! My family is legit superstars and I have encountered God's love for us through them more than I could ever imagine. I realized God does a lot of powerful things through His people, and I am so blessed to be surrounded by amazing human beings! I want to grow this community so that we can all grow together, and I would love any feedback or suggestions on what we could do! I hope everyone has a great week!
New comment 5d ago
What Does "God's Grace" Mean To You?
One of my best friends who is a pastor said that God's grace provides two beautiful things: 1. Undeserved favor 2. Divine Empowerment I used to think about "God's Grace" as a synonym for His "mercy", but His grace also comes with divine empowerment. We have received the greatest gift given by our loving Creator, and He calls us to now live in complete righteousness through Jesus! We have dominion over the earth! What does "God's Grace" mean to you?
New comment Aug 15
Verse Of The Day - Galatians 5:16
"I say then: Walk In the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh." (NJKV) Paul compares the lusts of the spirit and the lusts of the flesh, and how they are completely opposite of each other. This verse made me really think about what walking in the Spirit looks like. Paul adds, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, Against such there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23). Being led by the Spirit is a daily choice to die to our flesh and surrender to the wisdom of God. Proverbs writes that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverb 9:10). It all begins with the posture of being in awe of God. The less we wait on the fruits of God and the more we aim to know God Himself, the easier it will be to be led by the Spirit. What does walking in the Spirit mean to you?
Happy Tuesday everyone! Been in the book of John and todayโ€™s chapter is filled with so many promises that we can hold on to! This chapter talks about the promise of the Holy Spirit and the eternal dwelling of God in us! Jesus is the physical manifestation of God, and through His death and resurrection we are resurrected with Christ (verse 19). Here are some powerfully promises from chapter 14: - God sends us His Holy Spirit through Jesus (verse 26) - Whatever you ask, in Jesus name, it will be done (verse 13) - Godโ€™s home is in you! (Verse 23) - The ruler of the world has no power over Jesus (verse 30) There is eternal Joy in Godโ€™s promises! Reading scripture is such a powerful practice to listen to the LIVING word of God and meditate on who YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS. Have a great day everyone
Proverb Of The Day - Proverbs 12
Hey everyone! I am going to start posting daily scripture under the "Faith" tab and share some verses that stuck out to me. Reading a daily Proverb is a great practice for getting into a routine of reading scripture, and since Proverbs has 31 chapters, you can just read a proverb for each day of the month! Today is August 12, so today was Proverbs 12. This chapter speaks a lot about working as a diligent servant and the fruit that will come from sowing into the Kingdom of God. Here are verses that stuck out to me: "He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, But he who follow frivolity is devoid of understanding." (verse 11) "A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth, And the recompense of a man's hands will be rendered to him." (verse 14) "The hand of the diligent will rule, But the lazy man will be put to forced labor." (verse 24) All three of these verses emphasize that a righteous man takes ownership of the grace given by God to work hard and build into the Kingdom of God. Grace not only gives us undeserved favor, but it provides divine empowerment! We have dominion on earth and we are called to be good stewards of the gifts that we have been blessed with. I would love to hear what everyone is reading today, and if anything stood out to you! Have a great week everyone!
Proverb Of The Day - Proverbs 12
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The Good Fight
A community of Christ-centered individuals looking to grow in faith, wisdom, and discipline. We have undeserved favor and divine empowerment!
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