Why the StoryBrand Framework Changed Everything for Me (And Why It Should Matter to You)
Donald Miller's StoryBrand framework has revolutionized how I approach business, especially in helping speakers present their mission with clarity.
One of the biggest takeaways is focusing on the real hero: the event planner or audience member.
They bring us in as guides, and our job is to make them look great.
When they succeed, they’ll hire us again, recommend us, and earn praise from their bosses.
I walk my clients through identifying their audience — think of the first five rows at any event, the ones most invested in the message.
These audience members face three levels of problems:
  1. External – The obvious issue they express.
  2. Internal – Deeper concerns they feel but don’t voice.
  3. Philosophical – The beliefs driving their actions.
As guides, we show empathy for these struggles — like how tough it is to get noticed in a competitive market — and offer proof of our expertise.
Then, we provide a clear plan.
A simple framework or step-by-step process is crucial, like “Three Steps to Building an Inclusive Workplace.”
(BTW This also serves as a lead magnet — a QR code during your talk can link to a guide or resource.)
At The Frequent Speaker, we call it the Demo Reel Roadmap:
  1. Clarify your message.
  2. Capture your content.
  3. Create and deploy that content.
Then, make a strong call to action, whether it’s booking a call or downloading a resource.
There are two outcomes: success (more gigs, higher fees, consistent income) or failure (missed opportunities, lack of recognition).
StoryBrand simplifies messaging.
It’s challenging to create a great demo reel without a clear message, but once you get it right, everything falls into place.
I encourage you to watch the StoryBrand video, grab the book, or let’s discuss this in our next call.
Remember, it’s hard to read the label from inside the jar — that’s where many of us are.
Cam Beaudoin
Why the StoryBrand Framework Changed Everything for Me (And Why It Should Matter to You)
The Frequent Speaker
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