The Coatings Community
Private group
9 members
Welcome to The Coatings Community, the ultimate group for concrete coating business owners who are ready to escape the daily grind, scale up, and achieve true freedom!
Tired of struggling to grow your business or not knowing where your next job will come from?
Hit “JOIN GROUP” now to unlock our FREE Facebook Ads and Core Services Course. Discover how to generate your own leads, increase your average ticket, and take control of your business!
After scaling my first coating company to $220k/month, I’m sharing EVERYTHING I’ve learned—completely FREE.
Want to learn from those who’ve “been there and done that”? Leapfrog off our successes (and failures) to reach your goals faster. The Coatings Community is where you need to be.
Join now and get:
✅ "Core Services Mastery" Course (FREE)
✅ Launch Checklists
✅ Lead Form Set Up
PLUS, unlock these BONUSES:
🎁 Weekly Q/A's w/ Luke
🎁 1-1 Company Strategy Roadmaps
See you on the inside!
The Coatings Community
Learn to market, sell, and scale your concrete coatings business with proven strategies from The Coatings Coach. Achieve freedom and growth today!
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