When someone comes from a position of power, like they're a top earner, they can say almost anything to get someone's attention (when it comes to joining their business and making some money, too) If YOU, as someone who's make little or nothing, were to say those things, it likely would not attract the very people who'd be attracted to the one who said those words, in the position of power. Because many people overlook the words used by someone who's earning say, a million dollars per year. They just want to touch the hem. And signing up with such a one does that. Whereas... If you've not yet achieved that exalted status, they won't listen much unless you have something of personal interest to them. Gotta do the grind until you get the fly wheel going. Then you too, can say about anything and get someone interested in joining you – because you're now a person of power. It's "touch the hem" time. PS “Touch the hem" - seeking help or grace from someone believed to have power or influence.