Quantum science says where we put our focus, energy flow and expands. There is a brain mechanism called the RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM (RAS) which is responsible for filtering incoming sensory information, allowing the brain to focus on important stimuli while ignoring less relevant data.
Ever decide on what kind of car you'd like, color and model and suddenly you begin to see them everywhere? That's your RAS operating.
Here's some funWORK: Decide on an object you'd like to attract into your awareness. It can be totally random, a butterfly, a specific car with a certain license plate, a coin, anything that is random. Identify what the object is, then let it go. See what happens.
The other day I decided to attract a "purple" bus. I knew this could be nearly impossible because it is SUPER rare to ever see a purple car, yet a purple bus in the area where we live. Within 24 hours, we saw a "purple" bus.
It begs to wonder, how many opportunities are we missing out by not putting our awareness to focus on what we want to attract versus constantly focusing on what we don't have? Either way, our RAS is always working for us.