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content creation as a copywriter
After breaking my momentum & not posting for months here's how I am getting back. I studied things that worked for me in the past & these are some details. >> fixed time to consume quality content & comment >> schedule posts in advance >> send in 20 connection req daily Along with these I also have a calendar with list of the kind of IG stories I wanna share each day >> marketing message >> routine/ behind-the-scene >> link to book a call >> selling freebie >> case study + link And so on It changes depending on the day and there are patterns but doing this has helped. If you take 1 thing away from this post- let it be scheduling in advance.
New comment Mar 12
content creation as a copywriter
peek into my Copy Base- On The Menu Page.
I prepared this over time as I learned from the OG copywriters in the industry-- it has a touch of my style coupled with the basics I've learned & formats I've observed. these templates that I've prepared help me A LOT LOT LOT.I feel like I want to hire my clients for their services.anyone relate??? idk I can't download the screenrecord to share... link to see
New comment Mar 12
Enchanted to meet you guys
I had a wonderful time with you guys. This journey can end, but before that I wish each and every woman of this community to shine in their best colours. If anyone wants to connect, I will add my socials link in the comment. Let's catch up on our LinkedIn group. I want you guys to comment - something about me, my contributions, how I helped you in specific etc. I would love to improve so welcoming all of your opinions below😊
New comment Mar 12
For all the Aspiring Authors
If you plan to write your book someday (soon) but don’t know where to start, this might help… 1. How to be a writer by Ruskin Bond 2. How to write a book in 8 days by Priya Kumar 3. How to get published in India by Meghna Pant
New comment Mar 12
The procrastinator's guide to productivity
Wanna know the 3 mindset changes I made to boost my productivity? Follow the link below, just made a LinkedIn post
New comment Mar 12
The procrastinator's guide to productivity
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