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Welcome to The Almanac. The goal of this community is to provoke you to think independently. I regularly post videos, letters and essays in an attempt to share my perspective of the world with you. Do not take anything of what I say as fact, use it to form your own thoughts and perspectives, and then share them with us! You can get started by checking out some content here. Also, make sure you've downloaded the Skool App here. Once you're ready, you can kick these things off by introducing yourself in the comments below! Please include: 1. Your name 2. Where you're from (Or currently living) 3. What you hope to get out of your wonderful life 4. Any social media/newsletter/links you want to add. I'm delighted to have you here. All the best, Louis
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The Almanac
A place for out-of-the-box thinkers to hone their thinking.
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