Our new student, let's call her W, was terrified of commiting to the training because like all of us she know that she'll have to make it happen.
6 months of looking at the content, she had no results yet.
She joined us 10 days ago :
The list of 300 plumbing companies is made. (We're going to make it 3000 though)/
They are rank by age of creation.
She reached out to another woman who own a 30 millions a year business by email (I'm in copy) because you are who you surround yourself with (extremely important).
She also reached out to 1 company and the number were bogus from what I saw.
On our strategy we'll ignore brokers completely.
I had to SLOW HER DOWN to make sure the mindset was right.
That's in 10 days of joining us.
She was TERRIFIED so I make sure to be here for her and make her mind go at peace.
What have you done the past 10 days ? What about the past year ?