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I’m going to be doing a simple post today.
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This is a place where parents come together to talk about their children’s primary education, with a focus on selective schools, 11 plus tests and independent schools entry.
I’ve have two sons. I helped them get into QE boys, a selective school in Barnet, northwest London. They are both now in Cambridge University studying to be medics. The youngest got his results and his offer confirmed only last Thursday. He’s officially in and we are delighted.
I’m mentioning this so you know I’m experienced to give you advice that worked for me.
Today, I want to ask you what help you need. Whether it is advice, signposting, help with resources, ask me in the comments and I’ll try my best to answer or find the answers for you.
What makes this a safe place to ask? There are no tutors except my business partner Mandy and you won’t be bombarded with multiple adverts. I’ll point you to the relevant information.
Sabah Hadi
How can I help? Ask me a question.
The 11 Plus Journey OS
A hub for parents and caregivers in the UK navigating the 11+ exams. Access advice, resources, and our exclusive 11+ journey course for parents.
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