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How to get started and benefit from your membership of The 1% Club?
When you are new to The 1% Club, I suggest you take the following steps: 1. Introduce yourself and share your aspiration and biggest goal with the group. 2. Check out the platform by clicking through the menu tabs, reading posts from fellow members (and liking them, more on this later) and by checking out the classroom and leadersboard. 3. In the classroom, you find several courses and programs. Check out the introduction course first and watch the training about ‘The Adult Learning Process’ and ‘The ART of Mastering Life And Business (MALIBU). You can find this training in the classroom or by clicking here #Introduction. 4. On the Leaderboard, you will see 9 levels. This is built in gamification to encourage members to engage on the platform. Whenever you make a valuable contribution in the community and another member likes your post, you gain a point. And with accumulated points you progress through the levels. And this in turn will unlock other courses and opportunities. 5. In the coming days, I will be presenting an opportunity to join my small group coaching program to help you gain even more CLARITY, FOCUS and MOMENTUM and make faster progress to the next level in your life. You can already DM me (by clicking my profile picture and sending a chat) if you are interested in this opportunity. 6. And finally, I invite you to scan your personal and professional network for like-minded individuals who may benefit from this community. You can send them the link to The 1% CLub Thanks! Life is Good! Marc P.S. I encourage you to share and to engage. The more you give, the more you will receive!
Not a member yet? Then click here to apply to join this FREE community and to create your skool account. Dear new member of the 1% Club. This skool community is for people who want to create an extraordinary life for themselves and their loved ones. And who understand that this takes patience and persistence. The 1% Club offers guidance and support in achieving this worthy ideal faster and easier that going it alone. What does the 1% stand for? The 1% stands for 1% Better Today. When we improve some area in our life with 1% every day, within one year, we improve 3700% or a factor 37x. This is called organic or exponential growth. In nature, growth is exponential, not linear. At first, we may not see much progress, but as momentum builds, growth accelerates due to the power of compounding. When we don't understand this, we risk quitting too early when we do not see the initial progress we are making and build momentum for accelerated growth. A commitment to life long learning In this community, members are committed to lifelong learning. To stay relevant in our fast changing, complex world that we live in, we need to keep learning and adapting. Our members understand that learning together is easier and more fun that going it alone. Our member have a growth mindset and believe in freedom and abundance. They are generous in their sharing of experiences and insights and are open to receiving feedback and support. They learn from both successes and setbacks and keep improving their lives, 1% percent every day. what does it take to create an extraordinary life? In this community, we will be setting goals, share best practices and celebrate wins. Our members gain clarity, focus and momentum toward achieving their most important goals, whether related to their health, their relationships, their finances, their career or their full self expression. We want it all. And we know that this is possible. When you live your life to the fullest, you also inspire others to do the same. And the world will become a better place.
New comment Sep '23
Hey everyone! I'm Christie Grace, and I call the stunning Bowen Island, just 20 minutes from Vancouver, BC, my home. I've been an islander for 27 years. I wear many hats as a Silver, Song, and Soulsmith—artist, musician, coach, and goldsmith/jeweler. And proud mom! I've over 30 years in the jewelry trade, I've been singing professionally for as long as I can remember. A decade ago, amidst some serious health challenges, I began my coaching journey to help myself heal. While recovering and keeping my business going, I co-creatively healed myself along the way while helping others too. I earned certification in Transformational Life and Health Coaching from the Health Coach Institute of America and have been coaching every since. Last Spring I graduated from Breath Masters, and have been loving how the addition of conscious breath medicine to my coaching really accelerates people healing process. As professional singer I've been using my breath for vocal tone which expanded into I therapeutic breath work in my 30's. I'll soon be 68. I'm excited to trial my first 5-Day Breath Challenge in a week, despite having a ton still to prepare! Having healed through a lot of trauma over my entire lifetime, I've found the 1% philosophy of 1% change so effective. I'm flat out right now so I will be slow in responding yet just wanted to reach out, say and and introduce myself. Blessings from the west coast rain forest!
New comment Feb 14
A lack of self-awareness is poison. Reflection and review is the antidote.
- The upside of habits is that we can do things without thinking. The downside is that we stop paying attention to little errors. - Habits + Deliberate Practice = Mastery - Reflection and review is a process that allows you to remain conscious of your performance over time. - The tighter we cling to an identity, the harder it becomes to grow beyond it. What do you guys think?
New comment Feb 13
A lack of self-awareness is poison. Reflection and review is the antidote.
Just finished reading 101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged and wrote down the most  thought-provoking ones:
- What are my core values and principles? What is most important to me in life? - What legacy do I want to leave behind in this world? How do I want to be remembered? - Am I living a purpose-driven life? What gives my life meaning and fulfillment? - How can I continue growing into the best version of myself? What areas do I need to develop? - Who has had the biggest influence on my life so far? What have they taught me? What do you think?
New comment Feb 13
Just finished reading 101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged and wrote down the most   thought-provoking ones:
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The 1% Club
Group for leaders who want to expand their positive impact and the overall quality of their lives. They have a drive for lifelong learning and growth.
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