Happy New Year to Everyone!
Active 3h ago
Joined Apr 30, 2024
Oil and Gas Engineer with an ever deepening curiosity in all things AI
Active 15h ago
Joined Jan 25, 2024
PhD in Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton (2017) Graduate Certificate in Complex Systems (2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzbKJWKE_Ss
Active 13d ago
Joined Mar 28, 2024
Los Alamitos, CA
Artist to AI Developer. Automated law firm with multi-agent workflows. Leveraging creativity and "just enough" coding to democratize AI
Active 60d ago
Joined Apr 30, 2024
Los Angeles, CA
CEO, Coach and Mentor in sales and affiliate marketing, FX trading, Crypto and making content with AI
Active 92d ago
Joined Apr 30, 2024
Want to learn More.
Active 104d ago
Joined Mar 28, 2024
Papua New Guinea
Hi, I'm an Indigenous serial entrepreneur in the tech sector. Also working on my MBA final applied project on tech and AI.
Active 153d ago
Joined Feb 6, 2024
I’m stoked to be here.
Active 154d ago
Joined Feb 6, 2024
Technological Citizens
As a Technological Citizen, I accept my responsibility to stay informed about rapid AI developments and the ethical dimensions they encompass.
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