What I Learned from Wasting 8 Months 🫡
I’m not joking when I say Andrew Kirby changed my life 7 days ago, and maybe will do it again this week. To give you some context.. I made random self improvement videos for 8 months and only got really mediocre results.
Bad videos? Inconsistent? No. Consistent and professional editing (I’m hiring an editor for 3+ months now). 🤔
But why didn’t my videos perform? Look at the attached files. Two completely random videos that I saw. They have really good views. Why? Because it’s crazy niched down. Like, really crazy. “Only 23 year olds”. “People learning Japanese”. Still insane views (compared to my “professional” videos). My biggest viral had 1.2k views, in comparison.
Niching down is the advice from Andrew Kirby that changed my whole business approach. It’s reasonably unreasonable that I won’t make money 💰 this month if I continue like this.
Why? Because I have a strong offer for a really specific character. Young entrepreneurs that want to make more money 💰 by defeating every single distraction in their live. I’m not a ‘self improvement guy’ (😂) anymore that is documenting his journey. No one cares about your journey if you don’t do something serious on the side. You need to DIRECTLY solve problems.
Biggest lesson from this post: choose your most (niche) passion and go all in on that. Learn everything about it and become an expert in your niche. Repeat yourself in every f-ing video. Show your face everywhere. You are now the “helping farmers market their product” expert. THE expert. The best one. Why? Now you can ask high ticket prices :)
Time to provide value and make monehhhhhh
Jan Blok
What I Learned from Wasting 8 Months 🫡
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