Impressions and Click-Through Rates..
I managed to up my audience retention quite a lot. But, I now realize that's quite useless if I don't even get people to click.
Here's the thing...
video 1 - 67 impressions, 26 views, 14.9% click-through rate
video 2 - 1.5k impressions, 21 views, 1% click-through rate
I used Hamza's name on the 2nd one, and it did indeed give me more impressions, but it seems a lot of people didn't actually click through. On the 1st one, the content inside is worth the watch for sure yet it seems it isn't even getting pushed to enough people.
How exactly does impression work? how do I increase impressions and Click-Through rates? Any and all suggestions would be quite helpful, thank you!
Scar Horey
Impressions and Click-Through Rates..
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