May 24 (edited) in Content🎥
Every business should be educational email business (FREE SERVICE INSIDE🤫)
Here’s what I mean?👇
You need to educate your audience about your product or service.
You need to use language to differentiate it.
You need to provide your insights and thinking which end up building that product/service.
You need to educate them on how it differs from what they have heard before.
Here arises two important questions,
1. Why should you educate them?
Simply to sell your product or service. The best way to sell your product is to educate them
2. How should you educate them?
Educational Email Course(EEC) is the solution.
What Are Educational Email Courses (EECs)?
EECs are not just a bunch of emails; they are your key to teaching and grabbing the attention of your audience on a specific topic.
Imagine getting a structured series of emails that teach you something step by step. Each email is like a puzzle piece, and when you put them all together, you learn a lot!
How EECs Help in Marketing?
Now, you might be thinking, "How do these educational emails fit into my big marketing plan?"
Well, think of EECs as the exciting part of your campaigns. They go hand in hand with things like social media or getting noticed on search engines
Let's talk about some real examples:
Imagine a creator who wants to sell his course on writing online for Linkedin,
He offers an EEC on 'The art and business of LinkedIn writing' where He educates and shares insights about LinkedIn writing or shows some snippets from his paid course
The result? This will increase their email engagement rates and boost their sales.
How can EECs Help to sell more?
When you want to make a sale, your entire goal of the process isn't to sell them anything.
It's to help them.
It's to listen to them.
It's to educate them.
It's to point out ways they could improve their business, health or relationship
And EEC’s does this all without any doubt.
If you find yourself reading this and saying, "This is fantastic! I need something like this to draw in clients and customers in my niche,"
well, look no further! I'm here to write educational email courses FOR FREE ONLY FOR THE FIRST TWO SYNTHESIZER DMING ME "EEC'.
1 comment
Shishir Wadhvan
Every business should be educational email business (FREE SERVICE INSIDE🤫)
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