Starting a business?...
When I was a 15-year-old I gained an interest in starting a business. How Tarjani?
Well, I have to say I listen to a lot of music on Spotify! And those Ads interrupt me in the middle of my mood...then I thought being a calm person, if my levels of frustration with these trivial things can affect my thinking, what about the common fugging population that uses this platform?!
⭐ Spotify has a damn unique compulsion techniques
First, give out for free
Then add some ads about premium
Then cut down on unlimited listening and give just 30 min more!
I have a negligible amount of experience...but knowledge? yes
πŸ“ I have three options --> Either come up with some bad*ss idea of any service or product
--> work on the existing ones and make it better
--> Learn the basics of market and sales first!
Didn't have enough knowledge for the 1st one, less time for the 2nd
So it leaves me with the last one!
🌐 Make a strong network and a good repo with the people who are experts/emerging in your niche
🌐 Reach 1 person a day ---> 365 people a year! (you can at least get 1 opportunity out of it!)
πŸ‘‹ Convincing your friends, acquaintances and family connections to help you network your product or service...(also start selling in your neighbourhood)
⬆ Don't rush to be a no.1, take your time, you'll fail, you'll learn! Don't try to impersonate Iman Gadzhi...everyone's got their different stories...go with your story!
Learnings >>> Earnings
πŸ“ Being a student (school/college) gives you a free pass to explore before the actual start
Read books
Take up courses
Go for internships
Work for some agencies or freelancers to gain experience and aim for case studies so that you can put up on LinkedIn as testimonial and attract more!
βš” Stop the "I am an innovator" talk...we all copy! Copy from others!
Do you mean to plagiarise? NO...get inspired
Uber is similar to Ola
Spotify is similar to Amazon Prime Music
Flipkart is similar to Amazon
Swiggy to Zomato
🌠 Stop over-exploring --> so many YouTubers, so many books, so many courses! Select and identify your niche and start taking out at least 10 min to learn the basic analogy
Seek advice
Stalk the creators
Any thoughts or points to be added amigos?
Tarjani Gajjar
Starting a business?...
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