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What I learned from Francis P. Martin’s “Hung by the Tongue”!
Here are the top 10 things I learned from this book: 1. Our thoughts and emotions come out of our mouths as words that become our beliefs 2. Our actions follow our beliefs, these beliefs are emotionally charged 3. What we say out of our mouths has a lasting impact on everything we do 4. If we are willing to say it, it generally means we believe it 5. The things we say affect others around us 6. The greatest gift we have is free will, the way we act is drive by what we say 7. No one can make you say anything you don’t believe 8. Our subconscious thoughts become our unconscious beliefs, we have to control what we think 9. You are in control of what you think, say and do 10. Your future tomorrow is shaped by your thoughts and words today This book helped me to remember that the only person controlling my destiny is me. I encourage you to read it, it may just have a lasting impact on you!
New comment 2d ago
What I learned from Francis P. Martin’s “Hung by the Tongue”!
What I learned from OG Mandino’s “The Greatest Miracle in the World”!
OG Mandino has a way of helping to put your life into perspective. This book told a story and through amazing storytelling but left an unimaginable impact on my life. Things I learned from this book: 1. We all have value in this world 2. We are not alone, everyone has struggles but we have to see them as opportunities 3. Everyone needs someone to talk to, we cannot go at life alone 4. Sometimes the answers we are seeking are right here inside of us, yet we do not acknowledge that we have the power to fix things 5. We have a greater purpose than to just exist 6. Someone somewhere needs you here 7. We are our own biggest obstacle, we have to be willing to get out of our own way 8. We tend to overthink our problems and sometimes we just have to let them be worked out through positivity and courage 9. If we choose to be something more tomorrow than we are today we will be. 10. Choosing life is harder than choosing to not live, but choosing to live a life of depression is harder still. Remember that we all have a purpose. We may not know what that purpose is, but we are meant to do something more in our lives than to work and struggle. Share your thoughts in this discussion thread!
New comment 2d ago
What I learned from OG Mandino’s “The Greatest Miracle in the World”!
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