Private group
99 members
$10 /month
(Price going up) to $20/month Soon.
Get in at $10 Forever while you still can.
When you enter the Academy, you'll gain access to a community of fellow individuals, on their Hero's Journey of both Fitness & Self Development, and the tools to get an Anime Like Physique, While Training Like a Superhero.
You Get Access To The Following:
Join us on your Hero’s Journey and Unlock:
⚡️The Neo-Workouts™: Highly Effective, and Revolutionary Training Programs.
⚡️14 Week Guided Training Program, for Both Building Muscle & Getting Shredded (Weights and/or Calisthenics)
⚡️Weekly Coaching and Q&A Calls with Neomega 𝝮
⚡️120+ Workouts for Both Bulking & Shredding (Bulk Up or Get Lean)
⚡️Fuel Your Hero: Recipe's and Nutritional Guidance.
⚡️Video Guided Hero's Journey, that transcends fitness, and works with you to guide you toward lifestyle optimisation and self improvement.
⚡️Team Ups: Accountability Network.
⚡️Hero Challenges: Fun and competitive activties where you can win prizes and stay accountable.
Join the No.1 Fitness & Self Development Hybrid Community on the Planet, & Unleash Your Inner Superhero⚡️
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