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Will Over-the-counter CGMs - Continuous Glucose Monitors Change the World?
To plug into the new worldwide center of CGM knowledge for sugar reduction, go here<< Nothing to buy! Just follow along as we explore this brave new world! For over a decade, I have been helping people understand the relationship between sugar and their health. We have thousands of written testimonials of people who have lost hundreds of pounds, put Type Two Diabetes and all manner of auto-immune diseases in remission, and gotten control of their sugar addictions. We’ve helped people do over 77,317 sugar detoxes. My original sugar detox book has been downloaded from Amazon over 25,000 times. We also have over 50,000 strong Facebook and private support communities that help people do the essential part of getting off sugar… STAYING off sugar and making total sugar freedom or massive sugar reduction a lifestyle. Over a million people have visited our Quit Sugar Summits online in the last eight years! But in all that time, we have never had as much success as we have in the past few years with the advent of public, non-diabetic, non-prescription availability of CGMs—Continuous Glucose Monitors. Venture-funded companies have emerged with a unique strategy to provide the general public, some say the biohacking public, with CGMs without a doctor's prescription. In the United States, these medical devices require a doctor's prescription. These newer companies have developed a standard go-to-market strategy: They have a system of doctors in every state who provide said prescriptions so the company can sell directly to the public. It was and is a brilliant move, and as a sugar educator, I have taken full advantage of it by having our one-on-one coaching clients get one as soon as they start working with us.
New comment 11d ago
Diabetes, Prediabetes, and my best podcast to date…
Would stopping the chance of getting diabetes or pre-diabetes or reversing it interest you? We just uploaded what may be my best podcast ever… Somehow, 35+ years of sugar freedom and helping people get off sugar just jelled into the best description for health, weight, and diabetes freedom ever… Sometimes, the stars just align. Do not miss this one Enjoy! Mike The SugarFreeMan PS: This was recorded on a Redefining Diabetes Summit and if you want to prevent, reverse or protect your family from diabetes please watch!
Diabetes, Prediabetes, and my best podcast to date…
3 Steps to Stop Binge Eating & Minimize Sugar Cravings.
If binge-eating on sugar and processed carbs is a problem for you, I want you to have access to this LIVE Masterclass that my good friend, Tricia Nelson, is offering tomorrow. 3 Steps to Stop Binge Eating & Minimize Sugar Cravings. When: Friday, July 26th - 12pm PST / 3pm EST Where: Zoom Register here Here’s the worksheet to print for class!  Here’s what Tricia is going to cover: - Why we binge on sugar and carbs…and how to stop - How to get off the dieting roller coaster ride once and for all - How to end emotional eating and feel sane around food - The secret to stopping self-sabotage - The 4 Quadrants of Recovery from binge eating - Tricia was 50 pounds overweight because of sugar addiction and binge eating. She’s a TEDX speaker (close to 2 million views) and has guided over 1,000 people to freedom from food obsession and emotional eating. If you have struggled with food and weight for 10 or more years, don’t miss this. It could transform your health and your life (I’m not kidding). Just click here to register! Mike The SugarFreeMan PS: Make sure you register now, as these webinars fill up quickly.
The Hidden Danger of Sugar: Inflammation Unveiled
Are you aware that the seemingly innocent sugar lurking in your favorite treats could trigger a silent war within your body? It's time to shed light on the alarming truth: sugar isn't just sweet – it's also a primary culprit behind widespread inflammation throughout your body and even your brain. Let's explore the science behind this unsettling reality. When we consume excessive sugar and ultra-processed carbs, we set off a cascade of inflammatory responses within our body. This chronic inflammation isn't limited to just one organ or system; it affects everything from our brain to our gut, wreaking havoc on our health in more ways than we can imagine. One of the most concerning consequences of sugar-induced inflammation is its link to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions including obesity, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and elevated cholesterol levels. But it doesn't stop there – recent research has uncovered a startling connection between sugar consumption and brain health, with Alzheimer's disease now being referred to as "type 3 diabetes" due to its association with insulin resistance and brain inflammation. Furthermore, sugar has been identified as a neurotoxin, capable of damaging brain cells and impairing cognitive function over time. From foggy thinking to mood swings, the effects of sugar on the brain can be profound and far-reaching. But the damage doesn't end with metabolic syndrome and neurological disorders. Sugar also contributes to gut inflammation, leading to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and leaky gut syndrome, where the intestinal barrier becomes compromised, allowing harmful substances to leak into the bloodstream and trigger further inflammation throughout the body. While it may be tempting to rely on supplements, pain relievers, and prescription drugs to alleviate inflammation symptoms, it's important to recognize that these solutions only provide temporary relief. True healing begins by addressing the root cause—in this case, the abuse of sugar and ultra-processed carbs.
I need a favor… New book on Amazon.
Hey Gang! So, my second book is finally up on Amazon! You have to see this! It’s 12 years in the making! Actually, it’s less of a book and more of a community-sharing event… “The Secret Life of SugarDetox,com” “Hundreds of Thousands of People Have Transformed Their Sugar Habit, Lost Weight, and Healed Their Lives from the Inside Out Using Our Method. Your Path to Freedom.” <<link This book is a testament to our success stories. A celebration of you and people like you. It’s a chronicle of the success stories of twelve (12) of our earliest pioneers, ghostwritten by a woman who also succeeded in the program… (Thank you, Laura) It tells the in-depth, honest, and sometimes gut-wrenching stories of precisely what happened to these women as they put sugar behind them. - What it was like to be consumed by sugar - What happened to change that? - And what it’s like now. Not surprisingly, it’s all women. (except my story) And they are BRAVE! They tell it ALL! A few of them have even gone on to build careers helping others get off sugar… You may recognize their names! One woman posted on our Facebook page every DAY for 365 days in a row as she walked out of a forty-year sugar addiction. And it wasn’t some BS little meme, either… It was 500+ words a day talking about everything she was going through. Today, she is a best-selling author and coach in the sugar and recovery space. You’ll learn about a woman who came to us as a recovering alcoholic and drug addict on bipolar meds… Today, she is off ALL her meds and is also a brain recovery through a quality diet expert and coach! These women were two of our first coaches! There are ten (10) other stories of regular folks, just like you and me, who just said, “Enough is Enough.” Then, they used our information and community to walk away from sugar. Please check out the book on Amazon Kindle here.
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